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FLASHBACK: This 1987 News Segment On Joe Biden Appears To Catch The Presidential Hopeful Lying Over And Over...

FLASHBACK: This 1987 News Segment On Joe Biden Appears To Catch The Presidential Hopeful Lying Over And Over... A news clip from 1987 finds multiple examples of former Vice President Joe Biden https://www.trendard.com/flashback-this-1987-news-segment-on-joe-biden-appears-to-catch-the-presidential-hopeful-lying-over-and-over-again-the-daily-caller/

A news clip from 1987 finds multiple examples of former Vice President Joe Biden appearing to lie about his background and plagiarizing other politicians during the 1988 presidential campaign.

The video — which appears to be multiple segments compiled together — starts out with a news clip highlighting then-presidential hopeful and Democratic Sen. Joe Biden‘s comments during his appearance at the Iowa State Fair where he “used phrases identical” to that of British Labour Party Leader Neal Kinnock. (RELATED: ‘If You Like Your Health Care Plan’ — Biden Is Campaigning On Obama’s ‘Lie Of The Year’)

The video posted on Twitter reads, “In 1987 Joe Biden was proven to be a pathological liar. In 1987, when Joe Biden was running for President, he did not get caught in a lie — he got caught in at least 9 lies. They engulfed his entire campaign and almost derailed his political career.” (RELATED: Biden Flip-Flops On China Concerns)


When running for office, @JoeBiden does not just have gaffes or embellishments, he creates wildly fictional storylines about his life and work that simply are not true.

These are lies. And he tells them to get votes and build a rep he has not earned.pic.twitter.com/FUjALdqA3C

— Shaun King (@shaunking) January 30, 2020

The reporter on the clip goes on to note that “Biden seems to be claiming Kinnock’s vision and life as his own.” (RELATED: Biden Buckles, Flips On Hyde Amendment Under Pressure From Democrats)

The piece explained the big problem is “Biden told the audience he had just been thinking about these things” and he “failed to give any credit at all to his famous British speech writer.”

The CBS news piece noted a second example of such plagiarism by Biden when he was caught “appropriating a litany from the late Robert Kennedy about what the gross national product can not measure,” the reporter stated.

The piece said the presidential hopeful had gone on to quote or paraphrase Robert Kennedy, Kinnock, former President John F. Kennedy, and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey, “all without credit.”

Later in the piece, Biden admitted to committing plagiarism when he was in law school, calling it a “mistake” and “unintentional” after “quoting five pages of someone else’s work without citation,” per the reporter.

Near the end of the piece there is a roundtable discussion with famous journalists on the famed McLaughlin Group and words like “devastating” are mentioned in connection to Biden’s chances.

“He looks like a Joe Biden wind-up doll with somebody else’s words coming out,” reporter Eleanor Clift shared.

One final clip is included in the video highlighting taped remarks Biden made during an April campaign appearance in New Hampshire where he’s caught lying about “going to law school on a full academic scholarship” and “ended up in the top half his class,” as the “outstanding student” in his political science department, graduating with three undergraduate degrees.

Biden then has to correct those comments and concede that he didn’t “graduate in the top half of his law school class,” was not the named the “political outstanding student” in the department and didn’t graduate with “three degrees” from college.

This content was originally published here.


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